Apostle Peter declared "I will not be negligent to put you always in
remembrance of these things, though ye know them, and be established
in the PRESENT TRUTH. Why Present Truth? To stir up your pure minds
by way of remembrance." {2 Peter 1:12; 3:1} "There are many precious
truths contained in the Word of God, but it is
'Present Truth' that the flock needs now."
{EW p. 63}
Jesus is coming soon! Get ready
In the book
of Colossians chapter 2:6,
7, the Apostle Paul
declares: "As ye have
therefore RECEIVED Christ
Jesus the Lord,
so walk ye in Him: Rooted
and built up in Him, and
stablished in the FAITH, as
ye have been taught,
abounding therein with
And the question is: How did
you receive Him in your
life? Did you receive Him as
a glorifying Christ at first
or a Christ who suffered and
died for your sins and mine?
The thief on
the cross accepted and
RECEIVED the humiliated and
suffering Christ as His Lord
and Savior, "And one of the
malefactors which were
hanged railed on him,
saying, If thou be Christ,
save thyself and us. But the
other answering rebuked him,
saying, Dost not thou fear
God, seeing thou art in the
same condemnation? And we
indeed justly; for we
receive the due reward of
our deeds: but this man hath
done nothing amiss."
And he said unto Jesus,
Lord, remember me when thou
comest into thy kingdom."
{Luke 23:39-42}
I said, I will not make mention of him, nor speak any more in his name. But his
word was in mine heart as a burning fire shut up in my bones, and I was weary
with forbearing, and I could not stay." -- Jeremiah 20:9